A dramtic tunnels featuring hanging screens and wall screens with lights reflected on a shiny floor

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Female firm editor works on a production funded after using Stelarator's marketplace tools
Female firm editor works on a production funded after using Stelarator's marketplace tools
Film Crew sets up a green screen, working on a production funded after using Stelarator's marketplace tools
Film Crew sets up a green screen, working on a production funded after using Stelarator's marketplace tools


After seeing what Stelarator are building, I'm looking forward to their launch and the improvements they'll surely bring to our Industry.

Laura de Casto

Laura de casto, Film Producer shown in closeup overlooking Hollywood after testing Stelarator
Laura de casto, Film Producer shown in closeup overlooking Hollywood after testing Stelarator
four men standing outside Feed and Grain store
four men standing outside Feed and Grain store


Producer & former CEO, Metro Tartan Distribution