A smiling middle eastern investor with phone in an airport hallway, representing finance, debt, insurance partners

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92% of surveyed industry professionals want an end-to-end finance solution

Clipboard icon in green, representing the user and market fit testing completed by Stelarator
Clipboard icon in green, representing the user and market fit testing completed by Stelarator

USD $363.66 Billion
Global Film & Video Market in 2027

Green planet earth icon represents the world market data researched and analysed by Stelarator to build a compelling business
Green planet earth icon represents the world market data researched and analysed by Stelarator to build a compelling business
Chart icon in green, with a rising line, representing the exciting business modelling completed by Stelarator
Chart icon in green, with a rising line, representing the exciting business modelling completed by Stelarator

5.9% CAGR 2022-28
Media & Entertainment Market

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